Institutional Provider e-News Sign-up


The majority of provider information sent from Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas (BCBSKS) to Institutional Providers is through email notifications, known as e-News.  BCBSKS highly encourages all facility staff members to complete and submit the electronic form below so you do not miss out on important information that may be pertinent to your job function!

Please include your contact information, then check the boxes below for the type of information you would like to receive electronically through the BCBSKS email notification system (e-News).

Please complete the form below with your contact information, then choose what email lists you would like to receive.

PLEASE NOTE: All e-News registrants will receive the BCBSKS Latest News which includes information on a variety of important topics such as, the closure of BCBSKS offices on holidays, possible systems shut down and workshops and training opportunities.

I would like to receive updates, including newsletters, manuals, tools and resources, which are published to the BCBSKS Website and pertain to:

Please be sure that you have double-checked the e-mail address you entered. You will not receive updates if it is incorrect.

Once you click on Subscribe you should receive a confirmation email. If you do not receive the confirmation email, or if you have further questions regarding eNews, please contact the Education Coordinator at 785-291-7236.