Glossary of Health Insurance Terms

As you explore our site, you may come across an unfamiliar word or term. We've developed a glossary that we hope will help you.

A (37) B (24) C (69) D (30) E (25) F (16) G (6) H (22) I (24) J (3) K (12) L (10) M (34) N (21) O (23) P (69) Q (5) R (22) S (26) T (17) U (18) V (1) W (10) X (1) Y (2)
Second level appeal

See "Final level appeal."

Secondary carrier

The insurer who processes the services after the primary insurance carrier has made their adjudication of the services.

Sequence number

See "Internal Control Number."


Treatment, care or item provided to a patient. See "HCFA Common Procedure Coding System" and "Procedure Code."

Service area

The area in which the provider practices or has their business.

Shared pay comprehensive

Under this program the patient pays 50 percent of the allowed charge on covered services up to a designated amount. BCBSKS pays the other 50 percent. The patient's premiums are usually less costly with this plan.

Shared payment credit

The expense incurred under a patient's contract that is transferred to another contract. For this to happen, the expenses and contract effective dates must be in the same contract year.


See "Blue Shield of Kansas" and "Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield, Inc."

Single coverage

Only the member/member -patient is covered as opposed to family coverage where the member/member, the spouse, and dependent children are covered.

SOAP Notes

See "Subjective, Objective, Assessment and Plan Documentation" and "Medical Recordkeeping."

Social and Rehabilitation Services (SRS)

The State of Kansas department that oversees Outpatient Substance Abuse Facility licensing. This is also the department that regulates the state Medicaid program.


See "LSP."

Special account group

A healthcare plan offering a program that encompasses benefits and/ or medical services outside of normal benefits.


See "Self Referral Option."


See "Social and Rehabilitation Services."


Social Security Administration.

State-Wide Average

The average charge made by BCBSKS contracting providers for a given service.

Steering Committee

The group of BCBSKS employees that are responsible for overseeing the running of the company. This committee is comprised of the President and Vice-Presidents.

Stop loss

See "Individual stop loss."

Stop loss provision

See "Individual stop loss."

Subjective, Objective, Assessment and Plan Documentation (SOAP)

An accepted method of recordkeeping to support the medical necessity and actual services rendered to our members/members -patients. See "Medical Recordkeeping."


BCBSKS' right to recoup monies paid when another insurer has legal responsibility for payment of expenses. The substitution of one for another as creditor so that the new creditor succeeds to the former's rights or obligations.

Subscriber accounting

The department at BCBSKS that has responsibility of billing and setting up the eligibility of our BCBSKS members -patients.

Supplemental medical insurance

See "Medicare Part B."

Suspended claim

A request for payment that has been delayed for payment until further development can occur.

Suspense item

See "Suspended claim."