Blue Choice AffordaBlue
Employer groups may select from a choice of deductible options.
Basic plan summary |
Member pays |
Deductible (per group anniversary benefit period) |
$500/$1,500; $1,000/$3,000; $2,000/$6,000; individual/ three-or-more persons |
Coinsurance (member portion for most services) |
20% of allowed amounts after deductible has been met |
Coinsurance maximum |
$1,000/$3,000 individual/ three-or-more persons |
Maximum out-of-pocket (includes copays, deductible and coinsurance where applicable) |
$6,350/$12,700 individual/two-or-more persons. |
Doctor's office visits |
Home and office visits (includes eye exam) |
$25 office visit copay for first five visits (15 visits for three-or-more persons) then subject to deductible/coinsurance |
Telemedicine visits |
$25 office visit copay for first five visits (15 visits for three-or-more persons) then subject to deductible/coinsurance |
Preventive care as defined by the Affordable Care Act |
These services are paid at 100% of the allowable charge.
Drug coverage |
Prescription drugs and mail order |
The quantity per prescription shall be the greater of a 34-day supply or 100 unit dosage, if defined as a maintenance drug. |
Medical services |
Emergency medical transportation |
Subject to deductible/coinsurance |
Inpatient surgery physician/surgical |
Inpatient facility fee |
Outpatient surgery physician/surgical |
Outpatient lab and radiology (includes advanced imaging) |
Pays at 100% to a combined maximum of $300 for each covered person ($900 for three-or-more persons), each benefit period then subject to deductible/coinsurance |
Emergency room |
Subject to deductible/coinsurance |
Accidental injury services |
$50 copay for first claim received within 60 days of the injury. |
Recovery/special needs |
Outpatient rehabilitation |
Subject to deductible/coinsurance |
Hospice |
Home social work visits |
Mental health |
Mental/behavioral health – inpatient services |
Subject to deductible/coinsurance |
Mental/behavioral health – outpatient services |
$25 office visit copay for first five visits (15 visits for three-or-more persons) then subject to deductible/coinsurance |
Other |
Lifetime maximum |
Unlimited |
Eligible dependents |
Covered to age 26 |
Exclusions: Following is a list of common non-covered services. For a complete list of limitations and exclusions, refer to your certificate.
Duplicate benefits provided under federal, state or local laws, regulations or programs except Medicaid; services involving cosmetic or reconstructive surgery (except as stated in the contract); charges for personal items; convalescent or custodial care or rest cure; all keratotomy procedures; blood or payments to donors of blood; any service or supply related to the medical management of obesity, except services covered as preventive health benefits; services or supplies related to sex transformations; services related to the reversal of sterilization procedures; any medically-aided insemination procedure; charges for services by immediate relatives or by members of the household; acupuncture and admission for acupuncture; medically unnecessary services and admissions; services covered and payable under any medical expense payment provision of any automobile insurance policy; mental illness or substance use disorder services provided by a non-eligible provider; services, supplies or treatments not specifically listed as covered in the member’s contract.
Drug coverage limitation: Generic drugs are mandatory if available unless physician prescribes a brand drug.
Optional Benefits:
Additional program information
- Inpatient admissions – Pre-admission certification is required for all planned inpatient admissions.
- Benefit period – The 12-month period based on the group anniversary month.
- Waiting period – Businesses select a waiting period option.
Triple Option Plan
The Triple Option Plan is available to large groups with this product. The plan offers employees one of three out-of-pocket choices annually within the AffordaBlue benefit program. The employer must contribute at least 25 percent of the employee-only premium amount for the highest out-of-pocket option. This stabilizes the group's base and gives the employees the option to "buy up" to a better level of coverage, based on their personal insurance needs.
More information
Contact a representative to learn more about the features of Blue Choice AffordaBlue.