What about disability?
A difficult decision, made easy.
When an employee can't work due to illness or injury, employers must face the difficult decision to stop paying wages because they don't know when their employee will return to work.
Disability insurance can ease this burden for the employer and provide employees with income so they can focus on getting better and back to work.
1 in 3
working Americans become disabled before retirement age*

of Americans live paycheck to paycheck**

7 seconds
Approximately every 7 seconds, a working-age American suffers a disabling injury or illness that will last for at least one month.***

* 10 Important Statistics in Honor of Disability Insurance Awareness Month, (2015, May 25), Retrieved July 25, 2017, from http://www.tmalt.org/blog/10-Important-statistics-in-honor-of-disability-Insurance-awareness-month
** American Payroll Association, "Getting Paid in America" Survey, 2008
*** America's Disability Counter, DisabilityCounter.org
Benefits for Employers
Short term disability coverage helps reduce financial risk and liability while providing protection for you. Plus, it's an attractive benefit for your employees and helps with employee retention.
Advance provides a formalized program with a professional claims process to handle employee qualification all the way through benefit payment, giving you peace of mind.
How Short Term Disability works
Step One
Employee becomes sick or injured in a covered accident

Step Two
Employee's doctor indicates they are unable to work

Step three
Group Short Term Disability coverage makes benefits payable to the employee and sends the payment to the employer to distribute

The benefit begins paying on the date according to the plan selected by the group for accident or sickness. The employee receives a weekly cash benefit selected by the employer, which is determined by their current earnings.
Connect with us
Groups 2-9
- In Topeka: 785-291-4303
- Outside Topeka: 1-800-874-1823
- [email protected]