HealthyOptions makes it easier than ever to live a healthy lifestyle
We've partnered with WebMD and Blue365 to provide members with exclusive access to health information and other wellness resources.
Our suite of wellness programs
As an added bonus with your BCBSKS coverage, you have access to these great wellness programs.
Case management
Assistance with coordination of services and benefits for your complex medical conditions.
Disease management
Our registered nurses serve as coaches to help you manage your asthma, COPD, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
Wellness management
Our registered nurses will provide you with the tools you need to manage stress, become tobacco-free or lose weight.
Exclusive to Blue Cross members, you have access to weekly deals and discounts related to fitness and healthy eating. Sign up for weekly email reminders so you never miss a valuable deal!
Strive, powered by WebMD ONE
Your resource for unlimited access to doctor-designed, powerful online tools, including a personalized health risk assessment and more.
Behavioral health
Help for anxiety, depression and other behavioral health issues is just a few clicks away.
Wellness media library
Review videos, webinars, timely articles and more to help you live your best life.
Member newsletters
Our member newsletters provide insights on healthy living and company information.