Report Fraud


Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas (BCBSKS) is committed to eliminating fraudulent activity through prevention and awareness. We have a dedicated team to investigate referrals and tips from people suspecting insurance fraud to help keep the cost of health care coverage within everyone’s reach.

How to report fraud

You can confidentially report suspected fraud in any of the following ways:

  • Email: [email protected]
  • Phone: Available by phone from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. After-hours callers can leave a voicemail. A fraud specialist will return your call within approximately 1-2 business days.
    800-432-0216, ext. 6400 (toll-free)
    785-291-6400 (in Topeka)
  • Mail: Download, print and return the fraud complaint form.

The information BCBSKS receives is strictly confidential and you may remain anonymous when reporting health care fraud. However, providing your contact information is helpful in case additional details are needed. We maintain a policy that enforces non-retaliation and non-intimidation against anyone who reports potential concerns. 

How fraud could impact you:

  • Higher health care costs, including copays, deductibles, and cost sharing.
  • Subjected to unnecessary or unsafe medical procedures or treatments.
  • Find that your insurance benefits have unexpectedly been exhausted.
  • Have inaccurate information added to your medical records.
  • Receive the wrong medical treatment.
  • Unexpectedly fail a physical examination for employment.
  • Be deemed uninsurable as a result of medical identity theft. 

Learn more about how to prevent health care fraud

For providers: Partnering to detect and prevent health care fraud
For consumers: What you need to know to detect and protect yourself against fraud

Additional resources

BCBSKS works closely with state and federal agencies, as well as advocacy organizations, to report, investigate and reduce the incidence of health care fraud. You are encouraged to visit and report fraud incidents with any of these organizations.