Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Group enrollment changes
When can a dependent be added to a policy?
A dependent may be added to a member's policy at a qualifying event or open enrollment period.
How is a newborn child added to a policy?
If the policy currently covers a child or children, the newborn's coverage is effective on the birth date, but the newborn still needs to be added to the member's policy by completing a change form.
If a member's current policy does not cover children, a change form must be received within 60 days of the baby's birth in order to change the policy to one that does cover children.
To obtain a copy of the change form, please see the Forms section of this site.
What should happen if a member gets a divorce?
The member and the group leader must sign a change form within 60 days of when the divorce is granted by a court of law. The effective date will be the first of the month following the date the divorce is granted.
To obtain a change form contact your group leader or Contact Us.
What should happen if a member reaches age 65?
You and your employee will be notified three months before the 65th birthday of the options available for continued coverage should the member decide to retire at age 65.
BCBSKS offers Medicare supplement coverage through our Plan 65 and Plan 65-Select programs. Information about these programs will be sent to the member automatically.
If an employee retires prior to age 65, he or she could have conversion options available. Please contact our office for additional information.