FEP Blue Focus member ID card - mass reissue.
FEP will begin mailing a replacement ID card to members enrolled in the FEP Blue Focus product option in November 2023. The FEP Member ID card has been redesigned to include a quick-response code (QR code). When the QR code is scanned, it will take the member to fepblue.org for FEP Blue Focus benefit information including deductibles and Out of Pocket (OOP) Maximum Limits.

For benefit year 2024, the OOP maximums are changing for the FEP Blue Focus product option. Due to this change, a new ID card will be required. The replacement ID card will be a member level ID card. The contract holder and the family members on the contract will each receive a FEP Member ID card. Members who receive the replacement card should begin to use the new ID card to access medical and pharmacy benefits. The old card can be destroyed.
For more information, please contact your BCBSKS provider consultant/representative.