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New Medicare Advantage Payment Method – EFT and Paper Remittance

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas now has a new payment method that allows Medicare Advantage providers to have their checks deposited EFT and continue to receive paper remittances in the mail. Providers do not need to do anything; we will update their record to the same banking information on file for their BCBSKS EFT payments.

Please be advised that it will take a couple of weeks to get all the MA records updated with the EFT information. Updates began, March 8, 2021 and will be complete by March 22, 2021. If you receive your MA payment and remittance in the mail after March 22, 2021, please send an e-mail to MA.contracting@bcbsks.com and this will be looked into. We may contact you after receiving the e-mail to verify before taking action.

If you have any questions regarding this newsletter, please contact your BCBSKS provider consultant/representative.