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Navigating cost trends of prescription medications webinar

Navigating cost trends of prescription medications

The ongoing changes and increasing costs of medications is one of the biggest challenges facing health insurance. Clinical pharmacist, Matthew Wittman, and chief pharmacist, Tiffany Liesmann, at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas will explore the factors contributing to the rising prices and what is on the horizon in the pharmaceutical industry. Learn about current trends, how Blue Cross is responding and what your company needs to know moving forward.

61 min. watch

Person working on a laptop computer

Balancing work and life

Understanding work-life balance can be challenging, and a quiz is offered to help individuals assess their current balance by reflecting on family and career priorities. Achieving this balance is an ongoing journey that benefits from open discussions and support from mental health professionals.

3 min. read

text set in image: Empowering Your Team: Navigating Mental Health Resources

Empower Your Team: Navigating Mental Health Resources

Navigating the mental health care can be challenging for members. Join us for this webinar to learn about the resources available to your employees.

52 min. watch

A smiley face held in a hand above a work desk

Seven steps to support your employees’ mental health

Shows the importance of mental well-being in the workplace and offers solutions to create a healthier culture.

7 min. read

A patient holds a tablet computer and talks to a doctor on the tablet screen.

Virtual care is here to stay

Telehealth minimizes healthcare costs and offers comfort by allowing patients to see doctors from home.

5 min. read

A stethoscope and pills next to an illustration of a human heart.

One-on-one support for chronic health conditions

Discusses the introduction of personalized, one-on-one support for members with chronic health conditions.

5 min. read

Two women face each other.  One of the women is holding up her hands to express something.

Improving health through change

Discusses strategies like a balanced diet, regular physical activity, and stress management techniques to enhance health

53 min. watch