
As you explore our site, you may come across an unfamiliar word or term. We've developed a glossary that we hope will help you.

A (10) B (6) C (17) D (8) E (9) F (5) G (3) H (10) I (7) L (1) M (5) N (6) O (6) P (20) Q (1) R (3) S (5) T (1) U (2) W (2)
Generic drug

A prescription drug that has the same active-ingredient formula as a brand-name drug. A generic drug is known only by its formula name and its formula is available to any pharmaceutical company. Generic drugs are rated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to be as safe and as effective as brand-name drugs and are typically less costly.


A complaint that you communicate to your health insurer or plan.


The business organization or legal entity which has entered into the contract with BCBSKS, for the provision of medical and hospital services.